★Vol.42不思議な写真!、身体に多数の神様が写っている?、一升瓶に写った弁財天様!A large number of the gods have appeared in his body!




周りの時空が変化しているようです。 次に紹介している写真は、あるダムの近くの龍神様を祀っている神社の中に飾ってある瓶に着物を着た弁財天様が写っています。

A mysterious photograph! A large number of the gods have appeared in his body! The god ‘Benzaiten’ who has been reflected on the big bottle!

Explanation: A large number of the gods have been reflected in his body. According to the diagnosis of Komyo(Blue dragon), a ginger-shaped object on his waist is the flying object that Kisshouten(God) is board on and it has been scanning his body.

In a part of his right hand holding the camera, Bishamonten(God) has appeared and in a part of his eyes, a woman-God like face has appeared and on the top of his head, the white wolf (the white wolf on the head of Aizen Myo-Oh king〔God〕) has appeared and on the back of his head, a woman-God like narrow face has appeared and also in his ear, an animal-like face has been reflected.

In the center of the photo, a face looks like a lion and something have been reflected. In the photos taken almost at a same time, the ginger-shaped object has been already gone.

Looking at around the branch of the trees,being covered with something like a black fog, as one part of the branch has disappeared, it seems that the space-time around there has been changing.

In a photo introducing next, Benzaiten(God) wearing kimono has been reflected in a bottle displayed in a shrine that has been enshrined the Dragon King near a certain dam.
